Move Into Coherence
Coherence is the quality of integrated wholeness. It is the nature of the universe.
Throughout the biological world, we see order or integration of matter into ever larger and more stable wholes. From sub-atomic particles integrating into atoms, to cells, tissues, organs, systems, and the body as a whole, to the relationships between us and all of the species on our planet. It is clearly evident that “Survival of the Fittest” and contagion are myths. Cooperation, not competition, is our natural way of being, becoming, and belonging.
Pamela has curated therapeutic movements and brain training techniques to help you gently and quickly Move Into Coherence. How do they accomplish this?
When there is coherence in the water, tissues, organs, and systems in our body, there is harmony and integration, and we discover optimal physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing. And, because coherence creates more coherence, resolving our own traumas generates frequencies of healing wavelengths in the quantum field, allowing the possibility for others to evolve as well.
Thank you for joining in, and thank yourself for taking part in the evolution of our species!