MINDFUL MOTION is a mindfulness-through-movement practice designed by Pamela Stokes to help us navigate life with ease and comfort. Perfect for individuals and groups.
Mindful Motion, from the fundamentals of Somatic Release, includes over 50 motions clinically proven to be highly effective at helping us befriend our bodies and to empower us with choices in how we want to feel at any given moment.
With these simple and gentle trauma-resolution techniques and the process of neuroplasticity, we learn to use our body as an ally to free our mind, to feel our aliveness, and to Move Into Coherence.
To meet your specific needs, Pamela is happy to offer an experiential presentation for your school, workplace, or community.
And, Pamela is now offering apprenticeships to people who would love to share Mindful Motion with others. If you are interested, please contact us at support@moveintocoherence.com Scholarships are available.