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Hello, friends! And welcome to Move Into Coherence. I’m Pamela Stokes. In today’s episode we will be discussing bacteria—what they can and cannot do, and how they come about, and what we know about them historically as well as modern day information. So let’s get into it.

We’ll begin by talking about something called pleomorphism. It is the ability of some microorganisms to alter their morphology. That means their shape. They can also change their biological function and their reproductive mode in response to environmental conditions. Pleomorphism is something that we’ve known about for a very long time, as early as the 1800s by someone named Bechamp. And he was a contemporary of Louis Pasteur. And, in fact, Pasteur plagiarized some of his findings and presented them as if they were his own, but with a false conclusion. And this upset Bechamp quite a bit and he spoke to the Society and said the material was plagiarized, but the conclusion was false. And this conclusion developed what we call Germ Theory. And Pasteur was very involved in this and important to the development of this theory—so-called theory—because of his statement that germs were the cause of disease. But it had never been proven. And he had falsified some of his data, and hid his notebooks away after his death, and told his family don’t show these notebooks to anyone. But in the late 1990’s, one of his relatives brought forward the information, and it was discovered that it was fraudulent—some of the information had been manipulated. Some of the data had been changed, and it was basically fraudulent. The development of this theory however has grown into such an enormous thing, that nowadays we have completely believed that this was a scientifically-based finding and validated. But in my research, and what I’ve been looking at—historical documents, Pasteur’s information. Bechamp’s information, all of this together—has brought me to the conclusion that it’s very clear that this has not been proven to be the case, that there are microbial organisms, specifically bacteria, that can cause illness. And if you listen to Episode 78, that’s from last week on Viruses, I explained quite a bit more there as well about viruses. One of the things about this pleomorphism is that the bacteria can be formed, or our body can also make other things like yeast and fungus, and even cancer cells, all based on what the environmental conditions are. And we can call the environmental conditions inside the body the terrain. And the terrain can also be affected by our emotions, as I mentioned in the previous episode. Pasteur developed the process we now call pasteurization, which was a heating process which supposedly would kill the bacteria and other microbes in there. But Wilhelm Reich did many studies for many years working with these small organisms, which are named by him to be called bions. Bions are very small, and they are filled with energy. And Reich was working with them and found how powerful these bions are, and that they change shape—they change their form. And, depending on the environment that they’re given, they will become either bacteria or yeast or fungus, or even cancer. What he also found (we’re talking about Reich now) was that even when they were exposed to extremely high temperatures, and I don’t remember exactly the number, but I think it was 1800 degrees, which is very, very hot, that the bions were still present. So, so much for pasteurization. If we’re exposing things to 1800 degrees, and there’s still life, that pretty much negates the process.

In our body, we have a ratio of 10 to 1 bacteria to human cells. And these bacteria are everywhere inside of us. They’re all over our skin; they’re in our mouth and in our gut. In fact, it’s been measured to be around 2 pounds of bacteria dwell in our gut. They’re found in our brain, and bacteria are found in our blood at the rate of 1000 bacteria per milliliter of blood. And they’re also found in the lungs and other organs. To say that bacteria cause disease is not very accurate, because these bacteria are present in our body at this enormous ratio of 10:1, and they do live with us, and they help us. And this is a perspective that it would be very helpful to switch over to—to remember and to realize—that based on whatever the environment is. our body will respond by making the appropriate cells so that that environment can be lived in. One of the things that helps us to define disease caused by microorganisms is something called the Koch Postulates. This is given the name Koch from Robert Koch. His last name is spelled K-o-c-h, and his postulates are as follows:

1.     The microorganism must be found in diseased but not healthy individuals.


2.     The microorganism must be cultured from the diseased individual.


3.     Inoculation of a healthy individual with the cultured microorganism must recapitulate the disease.


And finally,


4.     The microorganism must be re-isolated from the inoculated diseased individual and matched to the original organism.



Based on these postulates, we could conclude—if they were all met—that certainly a microorganism could be causing a disease, and then it could also spread to another person. However these postulates have never been satisfied. In fact, the person that they’re named after, Robert Koch, was able to find cholera and salmonella both in healthy people. So right away the first postulate, which states the microorganism must be found in diseased but not healthy individuals, right away that one has to be negated by his own findings. Koch’s Postulates have never been proven since his first laying them out and ever since then. Not once. Sometimes we are given the information that these microorganisms can be called opportunistic. The definition of an opportunistic pathogen is “a microbe that usually does not cause disease in healthy people, but may become virulent with immunocompromised and unhealthy individuals.” So, more or less, what that is saying is the terrain—the environment—is determining the outcome of the health of the person, not the pathogen. So if they are not causing disease in healthy people, but the situation has been compromised, they can make a person not well. But what is not really clear here is it’s difficult to ascertain if the pathogen—this particular, let’s say, bacterium—initiates the illness, or promotes it, or is just associated with the disease state. And this is where it gets problematic, because it’s never been shown that bacteria initiate a disease.


One of the things that we have been helped by historically, we’re told, is antibiotics. Antibiotics are actually toxins that are made by bacteria, and they are toxic to other bacteria. But some bacteria are not affected by these toxins. And what happens when we take antibiotics, when these bacteria get killed, that changes the internal environment. And now there’s a toxin in there, and our body will create a new bacterium to deal with that toxic situation. What ends up happening sometimes, is that we can end up with an antibiotic resistance, and we call these pathogens “superbugs”, because we cannot kill them easily. The understanding that the terrain or the environment determines what lives there makes sense. If you put antibiotics in there—that if you’re killing off any of these important bacteria that live with us (tend to one ratio! a lot of bacteria there!)—if we kill them off, we don’t have a healthy environment any longer, so our body will respond by making more and different bacteria to deal with that. Given the choice of antibiotics or not, I would suggest strongly not to put antibiotics into our bodies, because the bacteria are actually helping to clean up whatever the mess is in the environment, based on what that environment has in it. Does it have some toxins in it? Does it have a bunch of stress chemicals there. You know, is it too much cortisol, or whatever the situation might be. Our body will respond, and the bions will turn into these different forms so that they can live and thrive. And a great statement that was made by Bechamp is the following:  “Nothing is lost. Nothing is created. All is transformed. Nothing is the prey of death. All is the prey of life.” I really like that one because it does help us to remember that the things that are in us are constantly changing. We are not necessarily creating more, but we are keeping life going. Our body just does this. And when we support our bodies, and do very healthy things for our bodies, these organisms will grow and thrive, and we will grow and thrive. And that’s why Bechamp says we’re not preying on ourselves. These bacteria don’t prey on us and cause death. Instead, they are preying on life, and they are creating life. Let’s put it that way. Even at the end of Pasteur’s life, it is said that he made a statement that the pathogen is nothing; the terrain is everything.


This is what I have for you today. There’s a lot of information here, and it’s all very new and different. And it can feel very uncomfortable hearing something so dramatically different from what we’ve been taught, and what I’ve been taught. I studied biology in college. That’s what I have my degree in. And I’ve had to basically relearn biology in these last few years. And that’s why I want to share it with you, because it feels important that when we have a paradigm shift like this—where we can actually see that we don’t have to be afraid of things attacking us and killing us, causing disease–and we also don’t have to fear transmitting it to anyone else, making other people sick, which is very freeing, and makes a lot of sense. Because if these bacteria, these pathogens, were out there trying to get us, why are we not just dying left and right? And how come animals aren’t either? So it makes a lot more sense that these microorganisms are actually here to live with us symbiotically. We provide an environment for them, and they provide us with all kinds of benefits. They keep the tissues clean, basically. And they help to remove and disintegrate old tissues and unhealthy tissues. So they’re here for us and with us, and they’re helping us.


What I’d like to do today is an EFT tapping script that I created around this new information, so that as it’s coming in, you can keep your nervous system calm—so that the words are not overpowering your nervous system. When we hear the things like germs can’t make us sick, and germs can’t be passed to other people, and antibiotics are not really something that we should be usingwe should be supporting our body instead of trying to break things down, that’s pretty different from what we’ve been taught. And our nervous system will respond. It’s like a trauma reflex. As a trauma healing practitioner, it’s the last thing I want to do to cause any more trauma, so this script is written so that we can find clarity and find freedom and be calm and confident in our lives moving forward. Nothing is out to get us, and we are not able to make other people unwell. It’s a pretty profound difference. In order to do the script, we could use the standard EFT Tapping points, or we can just do a simple one which I really enjoy, which is to open your hand, place it on your chest so that your fingers lie underneath one collarbone and your thumb lies underneath the other one. And just resting your hand there on your chest.


Please find yourself in a comfortable place, and let’s begin.



Begin by taking three calming breaths through the nose and deep into the lungs:  inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale, and exhale. And then go ahead and place your open hand on your chest so that your thumb is under one collarbone and your fingers under the other and repeat after me:

Even though we’ve been told that bacteria are contagious and pass from one organism to another, it’s never been proven to be true, and I’m open to seeing things in a new way.

Even though this new information goes against what I knew to be true, I’m open to a fresh understanding.

Even though this new information is so different from what I’ve been taught, I accept how I feel, and I’m ready to move forward in my life with a more positive outlook.

This new information

It feels untrue

It goes against what I learned

I learned that there are contagious germs

And I can get sick from them

And I can make others sick

I learned that disease is caused by germs

But no one has actually proven that


Not once

This feels weird

It’s the opposite of what I had learned

The total opposite

~BREATHE and Sigh of Relief Small breath in through the nose, and a larger breath, and then, with mouth closed:  mmmmmm

And then we’ll continue. Repeat after me:

I understand this has happened before in science

We learn something

And then later we learn that it wasn’t true

I am open to change

And open to another perspective

When bacteria accumulate in my body

They are actually helping me

My body is making them

To best thrive in my internal and external environment

But this feels so untrue

Because I was taught that bacteria cause disease

But, what if they are there to help me?

Like firefighters putting out a fire

That’s a completely new way to look at illness

And at infection

I’m open to seeing illness differently

Illness is a set of symptoms

And these symptoms are my body’s way of cleansing

And healing

My body makes bacteria to help me thrive

My body takes care of me

Bacteria do indeed make some toxins

And we have made antibiotics from them

When I don’t feel well

It’s best not to suppress my symptoms

Or to take antibiotics, which kill many bacteria

Because these drugs also kill the bacteria that help me

The bacteria that help me digest my food

The bacteria that ingest toxins and waste

Instead, I support my body

I rest, eat natural foods, and drink lots of clean water

I stand barefoot on the ground, daily

I get sunshine on my body, daily

I support my body by feeling pleasant sensations

And life-generating emotions

As often as possible

And by practicing Heart-Brain Coherence regularly

There’s nothing to fight off

There’s no battle to win

I can think of my immune system

As a healing and cleansing system instead

I appreciate my body’s ability

To heal itself

To remove toxins

To respond to my external and internal environment

And to create what I need to be well

No one makes me sick with their germs

And I cannot make anyone sick

This is a whole new way of being

I feel a sense of freedom

Without fear

I allow, accept, and embrace

That my body is ever-seeking health

And I am here to support that

Thank you, body

Thank you, bacteria

We’re in this together

I appreciate you


Thank you for joining in on that Tapping meditation. I hope it was helpful for you as you navigate this new information. What we have talked about today is the fact that our body has the ability to respond to the environment that’s internally there and externally creating the conditions within. We have learned about pleomorphism, which is the ability of microorganisms to change their shape and their function in response to environmental conditions. We’ve learned that there are 10:1 bacteria to human cells in our body, and they’re everywhere inside of us—all over our skin, inside of our digestive tract, and our blood, and brain, and lungs. We understand now clearly that Koch developed these postulates to validate Germ Theory or the idea that germs cause disease, but was unable to satisfy the postulates, including the very first one—meaning that these microorganisms must be found in diseased but not healthy individuals. And Koch himself was not able to do that, nor has anyone since that time, which was in the 1800s. We’ve also learned that we can’t really say that a bacterium is initiating a process, promoting a process, or merely associated with a disease or a set of symptoms. And, more or less, we could really look at bacteria as the helpers in our bodies, in our systems. We learned a little bit about antibiotics and what they do, and how superbugs can be created by putting these toxins into our system. Bacteria try to thrive. Life keeps trying to thrive. That’s basically the idea here—that we are trying to support that. And that was what Pasteur said at the end of his life, that the pathogen is nothing and the terrain is everything. So I hope that you’ll hold that thought there—the terrain is everything—and do good things for yourself, like standing on the earth in bare feet, and standing in the sun, drinking good water, eating good food, and feeling pleasant sensations and pleasant emotions. These are really important parts of our health and creating the terrain that our body needs to thrive in. Knowing that the third leading cause of death in the United States is iatrogenic, which means “caused by medical examination or treatment”, it makes sense for us to be aware of that and to do something different. And so thank you for being here with me on this podcast as we explore how we can find optimal well-being, knowing that most illness is caused by emotion and the inability to process that. So thanks for being here. I really do appreciate you joining in. Thank you for joining in today, and please send yourself some appreciation for doing so. This has been Move Into Coherence. I’m Pamela Stokes. Take it easy. ☺️

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