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Take a moment to feel into the feeling of loneliness. Now check in with yourself
and rate how strong it feels, from 0-10. 10 being the strongest.
Now place your open hand just underneath your collar bones with the fingers on
one side and your thumb on the other. Gently hold yourself here and repeat after
Even though I feel really lonely sometimes, I choose to accept how I feel.
Even though I feel really lonely sometimes, I choose to accept myself.
Even though I feel really lonely sometimes, I choose to love and honor myself and
accept how I feel.
This loneliness
It’s all-consuming
It’s so intense
I feel so alone
Even when I’m with people
I feel so lonely sometimes
This loneliness
It feels bigger than me
This loneliness
It’s all-consuming
It’s overwhelming
It feels bigger than me
It’s safe to feel this loneliness
I can let myself feel it
Even though it’s scary feeling lonely like this
I don’t like how it feels
I feel so alone
It’s safe to feel this loneliness now
I can feel it
And I can let it go
This loneliness
It’s inside me
I can release it now
And make more space for connection
This loneliness
It’s been holding me in
Preventing me from connecting
It wants to protect me
But it’s hurting me
And I can let it go now
I can let this loneliness go now
And let myself be more open to connection
It feels risky, though
I might get hurt
But this loneliness is hurting me, too.
So I’m going to let it go now
I’m going to free myself from this loneliness
And let myself connect more
And now, rest your hand. Now, we’ll do a motion to help us feel a sense of
connection. Place a hand on the upper outer part of your opposite arm—your
deltoid. Gently drop your fingers onto your arm, one-by-one, beginning with the
pinky—ring, middle, index. Gently hold here and repeat after me
Feeling connection now
I am connected
It feels safe to connect
And now, repeat the motion—pinky, ring, middle, index—and take a small breath
through the nose, then a larger breath in and, with closed lips make a sigh of relief.
And repeat after me
Feeling connection now
I am connected
It feels safe to connect
Rest your hand from your arm. And now, place an open hand under your collar
bones again and repeat after me.
It’s safe to make more space for connection
I don’t need this loneliness anymore
I can see that I’m not all alone
I can connect with people and feel safe
Letting go of this loneliness
It’s okay if my relationships aren’t perfect
It’s okay if connecting with people doesn’t always work perfectly
I’m safe letting go of this loneliness now
I can seek out new ways of connecting
It’s safe to feel safe connecting with people
Take a nice breath. Breathe through your nose and deep into your lungs.
And, now check in with yourself and notice how your sense of loneliness feels
now. Give it a rating, 0-10. Continue using this meditation until you feel relief.