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Hello, friends! I’m just gonna give people a few more seconds to join us. I’m happy you’re here. Alright, so I’ll begin at the beginning. Welcome to Move Into Coherence. I’m Pamela Stokes. In today’s episode we will be learning about some small bodies/little particles that live within side of us that help to create more life for us and in us and through us and because of us. And we’ll be doing the Grounding Breath, which is a very nice process to help yourself find grounding and center, and also to let go of anything that perhaps you no longer need. So let’s get into it. We’ll start with our three bells. We’ll do a little Heart Coherence. We’ll do some Waking and Shaking So a lot of things first, and then we’ll do some learning, and then we’ll tie it all up with a little Heart Coherence and some bells at the end. So again, thank you for joining in today. I do appreciate you being here. Here’s our three bells. (bell rings three times) (and a short fourth time) Oh, an extra one there. We let them ring all the way until they’re complete, and I just noticed today that there is a lot of resonance. It just kept going and going, so those were a little bit longer than usual. Something in the air–it’s magical.


So let’s do a little Heart Coherence together. Just bringing your awareness to your heart area. And if you’d like to place your hand there, if that’s comfortable for you, please do that. And bring some awareness to your heart. And then we’ll slow the breath down a little deeper and a little slower than usual. And the ideal timing that was measured was about 5 1/2 seconds in and 5 1/2 seconds out, but we don’t need to be so precise—just whatever feels comfortable for you today. And then imagine that the breath is flowing in and out through the heart. And it may be helpful to have your eyes closed so that you can really drop in. (several breaths here) And over the next couple of breaths, allow yourself to come back into your natural breathing. And you can relax your hand. Thanks.


And I’m just going to address: I see some people are here with me. I’m so grateful. I see someone here from Kenya, another friend that I am with in my Power of Eight group, which is a great, wonderful group of people who we send intentions every week. It’s the process that we learned through Lynn Mc Taggart’s work; and another friend Kathleen is here. Hello to all of you. And for anyone that isn’t able to chat, hello to you as well. We’re all in this together, and I really do appreciate you being here.


So let’s go ahead and do our Waking and Shaking. So please come to standing, and I’m going to adjust my camera so that you can see more of me. And taking off my red, red scarf here. OK. So we’re going to start our Waking and Shaking with the first motion which is Waking Up. And in Waking Up, what we do is we have our feet lined up with our shoulders. And we will start by bending the knees and letting them come in towards each other; bending the arms so the hands come up towards the shoulders; belly goes in, back gets round, and we bend over and then drop your head down. So we’re getting small and like a little ball. And then s-l-o-w-l-y letting your legs, and arms, and belly, and back get long. Reach up, tip your head up, look up. And then let your arms float down by your sides. And take a breath; take a break; notice how you feel. (pause to notice) And we’ll do that again. So the knees come in and bend; the elbows bend; the back curls; you get round; you get small; drop your head. And then s-l-o-w-l-y releasing—letting the legs, and the arms, and belly, and back get long. Reach up; look up; tip your chin up. And then let your arms float down by your sides, and breathe here. Take a break; take a breath; and notice what’s letting go. Turning off all your efforts for that motion. Adjusting the clothes as needed.


Alright. Now we’ll do the Tongue, which is the second part of our Waking and Shaking. Now, with the tongue, because it’s attached to the entire digestive tract, when we release the tongue, we can release the entire tract. So let’s go ahead and try that together. The tip of the tongue presses up to the roof of the mouth—gently up. And then s-l-o-w-l-y release the tongue, and imagine the root of the tongue softening. It will take a few seconds to soften. You may also notice that your jaw is softening, and that’s a wonderful feeling too. When we release tension in the jaw, that tells the pelvic floor everything’s OK. So the pelvic floor can be engaged but soft as well.


Alright. The third motion is a Quick Shake, and this is the fun, silly one, but I really do appreciate you joining in. When we can move in this way and be silly like this, this is actually telling our nervous system everything’s OK. I can play. So we’re going to start with the tail bone back here, and we’re going to wag it like we’re a happy dog. And we’ll get the legs and the arms being wiggly as well. This is a gentle shaking. And we’re going to let that shaking move up the spine all the way to the crown of the head, and then pause there. Pbbbbbb— loose lips, like a motorboat. And then standing here still, just noticing what’s different for you. How are you different from what you were just a few minutes ago? Maybe you feel tingling; maybe you feel like you’re awake; maybe you feel softer in some places that you hadn’t felt softness before, so anything that you notice. When we are aware of how our body feels and what we’re noticing, when we’re aware of that, that’s actually really important because that allows us to feel connected, and connection is vitally important for us as a species. We are a social species. We need to feel connected. And when we connect with ourselves—we talked about this last week—when we connect with ourselves, we allow our insula—that’s part of the brain—it responds to both the connection with other and the connection self. And so it lights up anytime you have either of those. So I interpret that as when we feel self, when we notice self, that allows us to have the ease around feeling other. So that’s a good thing, especially if you’re getting together with family over these next few days. It’s nice to feel connected.


Alright. So we are going to talk about something today that is fascinating to me, and hopefully it will be to you, that there are these very small particles that have been discovered by many different scientists over history, separately/individually. And the most recent discovery was by a friend of mine, a dear friend that I met in college who runs a laboratory. Her name is Dr. Jody Rosenblatt, and she gave me permission to talk about her. She runs a lab at King’s College London now. She was at the University of Utah for decades and studied cancer. Now she’s looking at asthma. And with my sort of questioning mind, I asked her have you ever heard of these things? and she said no, I haven’t. And then about a year later, she said I found something! So that was really delightful to me. So she found these things. She thought it was a new organelle, which is a small part of an inside of a cell, which that’s possible. It could be an organelle, but that would indicate that it has a particular function within a cell. Not sure—we’re not sure. But what she labeled them. And they have energy—that’s the other piece that she noticed, that they have energy, and so she called them piezosomes. Piezo, (peezo) or piezo (peeyayzo) is the word for generating electricity through pressure. So when we have a squeeze, we can get a spark. And so, like when you hit a couple of rocks together, you might get a spark. If you’ve ever tried this—as a child I did this—we would get these Lifesavers, and I believe it’s Wintergreen, I think that’s the flavor that you have to have, but if you put one in your mouth, turn off the lights, and bite it, you’ll see sparks. So this is the piezo electricity. This is a spark that’s generated by pressure. So she called them piezosomes, meaning energy or charged up bodies.


And the first recorded experimentation and scientific data that was accumulated was coming from a man named Antoine Bechamp. And you may remember, I talked about Bechamp a little bit in a previous episode. Bechamp and Louis Pasteur were contemporaries. And it was found that Pasteur was not really a very authentic scientist. He did a lot of fraudulent things, and he collected data and falsified it. He also plagiarized Bechamp’s work three times—not just once, three times! And Bechamp was like OK well if you’re going to plagiarize me, at least get it right. So with the conclusions—Pasteur was making the conclusions from bechamp’s work wrong. He (Pasteur) said that there are germs from the outside; they’re coming; they’re attacking us, and they’re making us ill, and that’s the cause of disease. So that whole thing was in the mind of Pasteur and the people that he was probably being/that he was catering to, like the Emperor of France and so forth. However, the reason why, I can’t really say. But in any case, Bechamp was a real/true scientist. He did many, many experiments, and he found all kinds of information about these little particles that he called microzymas. And the microzymas are these energy-filled piezosomes like my friend Jody found recently. These energy bodies that are inside of every living thing. And he even found them in non-living things, like in chalk, that he was able to notice when he pulled that out of the hillsides. Now, chalk is the residuals of living things, so he was able to find these small microzymas in chalk, and that’s what started his research with that.


Continuing on from there, we have other researchers that found them. A man named Raymond Royal Rife, which is a great name, also found them. He had high-powered microscopes which were able to see living cells and living organisms. And in their movement, he was able to identify these small particles. And later on, we have Wilhelm Reich, who was also able to find them. So Rife was in the like 1910’s. OK so let’s go back. Bechamp found them in the 1800s— in the late 1800s—and then Rife found them in the 1910s-fifteens; and then Wilhelm Reich found them in the 1930s and 40s. And what Wilhelm Reich was able to/the first identification was kind of fascinating. He wanted to understand the equation of life, like how does it even come about? How do how do we create more life within us? And what he found was there’s kind of an equation: we have tension, which increases the charge, then there’s a discharge, and then we have relaxation. And this cycles around. And so this is the equation of life from Wilhelm Reich, In the discoveries that he was making, and Rife found this as well, they were able to find ways to reverse or eliminate cancer cells. And he wanted to understand what was going on there, and how that worked. And what happened to both Rife and Reich were that the medical community really just kind of negated their work. And in fact, Reich was put into prison and died there, sadly, even though he had done all this wonderful stuff and cured a lot of people. So anytime we get into the words “cure” and “cancer”—we put those together—the medical association’s like no, no, no, you can’t do that. You can’t say that, which is strange to me. Why wouldn’t we want to? But what Reich found was it’s not just that we, if we energize ourselves properly and eat good food, and all of that, that we wouldn’t get cancer. He said I can cure cancer like that (snap fingers). The cells will go away, but it will come back again, unless we face the reasons why our environment—let’s say our internal environment—is not conducive to life. And what’s fascinating about Reich’s work too is he wanted to find the beginning of life, like how does it even start. And he was working in a laboratory with a colleague and the technician said…He (Reich) says, I would love to work with some amoebas, and the technician says all you need is some old grass, and just let it sit there for a couple of weeks, and you’ll find amoebas. And, Reich was like OK. So that’s what he did. He looked at this decaying grass. There were no amoebas there. And then over time, within a couple of weeks, the cell or the little particles were budding off of the decaying plant matter, and then they started moving. So they were actually creating more life from the decay of the plant matter. And this was the beginning. And what he noticed, too, was that these cells—these movable cells, these amoebas—very similar to cancer cells. They can move around, and they can go to different places. So yeah another thing that my friend Jody, in working with cancer, found was that the cells actually go to different parts of the body first. Or they form, let’s say, in different parts of the body, and then cancer can form from there. So she said metastasis does not happen after tumor formation. Metastasis or the location of different metastatic cells, or cancer cells—potentially cancer cells—can happen in different parts of the body. So that was where Reich came in and said you know it’s more than just getting this energy right in the body. It’s also having the right attitude, and wanting to be here; wanting to be alive, appreciating life, and feeling grateful for that opportunity. So that’s a very important piece of information. So that was Reich in the 1930s and 40s, and then in the 1960s it happened again.


Another fellow, named Gaston Naessens, found them as well. He developed a microscope that he called the somatoscope. And he used, again, living materials, so he could see what was going on. And he could find the movement of these organisms. So we had microzymas, they were labeled as by Antoine Bechamp in the 1800s/late 1800s. We have, by Wilhelm Reich, he labeled them bions, B-I-O-N-S. He called them bions. And then Naessens, in the 60s, called them somatids. And my friend Jody in 2021 or 2022—pretty recently—called them piezosomes (peezo) or piezosomes (peeyayzo). And so Naessens was also in the 1960s, and actually he just died in 2018, so he was alive in our time. And he found a product made from different minerals that was actually able to reverse the cancer as well.


So all these people found the same things. They called them different names. And in fact, nowadays there have been a lot of people talking about something called nanobacteria. Well, I read a recent study that was done. Well, it is based on a study that was done in 2009. But nanobacteria are not bacteria at all. They found that—in this research they found that—they are mineral-organic nanoparticles. So they have a mineral component, usually calcium. They have a biological component or organic component, which is like the goo—it’s amorphous material. And they are particles. They do form these little particles. So this is where the non-living—the mineral—becomes the living. And when we have living things, inside of them there are always these little particles. So I’m going to use the term bions. It’s an easy one, and it kind of makes sense to me, because bio is life and then ions are these charged particles. So when we get charged particles to accumulate and gather together, with this goo, they can make these little bions. Now this is pretty amazing, so it’s basically/it’s the beginning of life. It’s how life starts. And it’s also fascinating—and Reich did a lot of experiments with this in 30s and 40s where he was trying to kill them. He was trying to/try different things, like a lot of heat. He had blasted it with, you know like 1500 degrees, or even more than that, and tried to kill them and they didn’t die; they were still charged up. And they emit light. That’s the other part about it too. Like I said, when you bite on one of those wintergreen Lifesavers, it will emit light. So these sparks come out. And he would look at these bions under his microscope for hours and just observe them, and what he noticed was they were changing shape. They were changing what we call morphology. And this is a term that—it’s talked about in regular medical terms—is pleomorphism, which means that the cell or the thing changes shape. Pleo = change and morph is shape. So pleomorphism happens. We know this. This is a/people know about this, so it’s not something that I’m making up or that anyone else is making up. When they were looking at these nanoparticles recently, they found that they formed spontaneously; and they found them in every body fluid—so we’re talking about the mucus, and the eye—the water from the eye—and the liquid that’s in the gut, and the liquid in the lungs, and the liquid in the brain tissue, and the spinal tissue. All of those different tissues/liquids/fluids contain the possibility for these charged bodies—these little bodies—the bions. And what determined which type or what shape—what morphology—they would have, was the environment—the milieu, they called it in this paper. And the milieu affected the speed at which they would change and grow, and the size that they would become. And I’m using my hands like big hands, but these are very, very, very small—very tiny. And the way that—in this most recent paper that I read—they found them, was that they took some fluid, and they centrifuged it. When you centrifuge something, the heavy stuff goes down to the bottom, and then you can isolate what’s in that stuff. You can look at that. And again, they did not kill these things. They did not stain them and do the all the typical things that people do when they look through a microscope. They just looked at the fluid as is. They used, I think, a scanning electron microscope which, or transmission electron microscope, which allows you to look at things that are still living. You don’t have to freeze them and put them in resin and all of that. So this was more recently even. And they said that what they do is these particles, or the bions, they start as one, and then they will bind together. And then, depending on what’s in the fluid, you know the different minerals and the different ions that are there, that will determine how they join together, and how big and how fast they do this. It’s basically like you’re creating a crystal with these charges. You’re creating a lattice work. So something that was amorphous and kind of gooey, turns into something that’s more structured. And not only do these particles—these bions—are they able to do that, they are able to make other ones. So if you took those in a little group, and took some of that and brought it over here, you could make more. And you can change what they do, depending on the minerals and the ions that are there. So that’s why I like the name bions, because it’s biological and ion together. Ion is a charged particle, and we are life, so when we put the two words together we get bions, and I do like that one. What we know about them is that once they’re alive, there are many bions. Once the mineral-organic amorphous material crystallizes and forms an organization—once it gets organized—now we can have what we call life, where there’s movement; where there’s growth; where there’s change; and we have this pleomorphism. What we also know is that they exist in both physiology, which means our healthy optimal well-being processes that happen. And I love this: I love to tell people we do about a million chemical reactions every second! I mean, that’s all happening for us. There’s nothing we have to do to make that happen. That’s what life wants. Life wants more life. And so anyway, in our Physiology, these bions will get created; they will accumulate; they will agglutinate—that’s a nice fun word—where they join together and they form other things, in both physiology and in pathology. They are found in tissue that we would call diseased tissue, is actually part of the cycle. So we again, in the image of how life works, we have growth and we have some accumulation of life, and then there will be some decay and some breakdown. But those billions are still there in the breakdown, and then we can have more life. So when we get this/the cycle, this keeps happening. And, like I said, Wilhelm Reich could not kill them. There was nothing that he found that could destroy the bions, except one thing was formaldehyde. And it’s interesting, well, no coincidence, but that’s what they use when they preserve bodies. So if we wanted to keep an organism so that we could look at it as a biology/in a biology class, and bring that to show people, we could preserve it in some formaldehyde, and that would stop the bions from generating more life. If not, then the bions will continue to create life wherever they happen to be. So after we bury a body, the bions in that body will generate more life. And this is where the pleomorphism comes along. So these bions can start out very small as individual ones. They can join together and make two; they can join together and make groups. We can get things that look like rod-shaped bacteria—bacillus is another name for that. We can get larger bacteria-looking things, and inside of that there will be all kinds of bions, so it’s created from a grouping of bions. They can also grow into branched shapes, like what we would call a fungus. And there are many shapes that these take on. And we call them yeast; we call them fungus; we call them cancer. So, basically, our body/every living thing—everyliving thing—including all the plants, all the animals, every microbe, every microorganism, has bions in it, and the bions will—depending on the environment—depending on what minerals are there, what charges are there, will make either the bacteria or the yeast or the fungus or the mold or the amoeba-like cells, these cancer cells. And that’s all reversible, so as we change the environment the cancer cells can undo; they can go back to what we would call a healthy stage. And oftentimes, the other things that will help out are molds and funguses, that will help to either digest those, and then release the bions. And that’s how my friend Jody found them, was they release out of the cell. They just sort of pop out. Bechamp found them in blood cells. And after the blood cells died, the bions released, and you know that’s the possibility of more life. So I always kind of struggled with the idea of reincarnation. I was kind of unsure, like I—you know very scientific-minded—I was like oh, when you die, you die, like that’s the end. No more. Well, now I understand that that’s not the case. After we die, our bions live on. And it’s pretty, it’s just sort of pretty reassuring, that the information that they collect from our internal environment—the charges that we have; the minerals that we have; let’s say the emotions, and the frequencies, and all of the information—is going to be contained in those little particles/those bions. And so we do live on. And they will go out into the universe, and they will become other things. So this is ultimately reincarnation as it is. Life wants more life. Life is always seeking more life. There is nothing that is coming into us that is attacking us.


Now what can happen if we get some bions from another organism? Fascinating stuff. The bions coming in from another organism may be foreign to us. It may be that that creates the environment within our bodies that says yeah, that’s not/we don’t want to live here; or we need to push that out; or we need to digest those things. So our body will react by making our bions—pleomorphism process will happen—so that we make bacteria, for example. And when we make these bacteria, they will do their job. And what their job in that moment would be perhaps to destroy or to break down things that are foreign in our body. So when we make bacteria, we’re not/it’s not an infection necessarily, like the bacteria are bad and they’re growing. It’s like the bacteria come in and our body goes huh, that doesn’t/I don’t recognize that as mine, and so the process/the bions will change and say let’s change what’s happening here. So we can look at “bacterial infections”, we can relabel them as healing processes. And I think this is a/this is the paradigm shift that we’re needing right now, because if we feel like things are coming in and attacking us, and we’re afraid of other people and their germs, and there’s germs on surfaces, and there’s germs in the air, and all of this that Pasteur tried to get us to believe—and very successfully got us to believe and to fear—basically, if we could turn that around and say you know what? Yeah, there’s bions everywhere. These bions can turn into all kinds of things, and so, what are we going to do to stay optimally well? Well one of the things is to not have fear, right? That’s a big one. So if we can get rid of the fear, and release the fear—and that’s where the Grounding Breath later when we do our motion today; when we do our motion—we can release some of this fear. There is nothing to fear. It’s never been proven that contagion does anything. Like if I take my snot, and put it in your nose, it doesn’t make you sick. We’ve/they’ve tried this for a couple of hundreds of years and many, many experiments. People that are unwell don’t make healthy people sick. Now you can get sick at the same time. And right now in the winter—in North America, in the northern hemisphere, in the winter time—what happens? The humidity in the air is changing. We’re using heat indoors; we’re drying out the air. Whenever we dry out the air, our body responds by making more bions, and we make more mucus, and it helps to keep us moist, so that’s the purpose of it. It’s not that we’re that we’re dying from the dry air, we’re actually/the body’s trying to thrive, even though the air is dry. So dry air can make more mucus—that’s what we call sickness—but it’s actually a healing process. So the perspective—we talked about this before—that the perspective of how life is for us here, that perspective of gratitude/appreciation; my bions are working for me and with me, and they’re mine, and when I die they keep going on. This is just to me very enlivening, and that’s why I’m so grateful to have this opportunity to share this with you. When we can feel this sense of, let’s say, power, I have the power to choose how I feel; I have the power to choose what I think; I have the power to put things in my body that will support life; to drink good water; to stand on the earth and collect the earth’s energy. When we collect this energy, this helps the bions charge up. Here’s a little piece from Wilhelm Reich. When he was working with his bions, he was measuring how much of the output they would create depending on their environment. He found the most/ the maximum charge for the bions came from bions that were in wet sand. Do I know how I feel when I stand on the shoreline of an ocean, even if I’m not in the water, on the wet sand on my bare feet, it is enlivening. Well it makes sense there’s a lot of bions there. And bions can make more life, and we can breathe them in—they’re that small. We can absorb them in through our skin. This is not a danger. These are not germs in the sense of causing disease. These are life-generating particles, and they’re all around us. They’re in ice, and fire, and the ocean, and they’re in rocks. They’re all over the place, and we can absorb them, and we can have them help us make more life. This is a beautiful thing. We are connected to our world in that way. We need each other. We need other people to give us good bions, and we need other organisms to do that as well. So, when we connect, and we’ve been talking about connection a lot in these podcasts, but when we connect with others, we can actually share their bions and get these charges—the charged particles—to create more life.


So let’s back up a step here with Pasteur. OK. Pasteurization. Pasteur, oh what a mess he created, so by plagiarizing Bechamp’s work; calling it his own; and then making false conclusions, we get the Germ Theory, which has never been validated. It’s a theory, meaning that it’s not a proven fact, and it’s never been proven, so it’s really not anything that is valid. That’s been running the show for a long, long, long, long time, and that’s what makes the medical model work—you have a germ; you get a disease; we have a drug; we kill the disease; we kill the germ, right? That’s the medical model. But, in actuality, these “germs” let’s call them germinating particles. “Germ” means to begin the life, right? When we germinate, we put a seed in the ground, we germinate right? So when you think about a germ now, maybe you can say oh that’s life-creating. That’s a good thing. We’re not trying to destroy anything. It’s not causing a disease. It’s actually there to, if we have, let’s say, extra bacteria in the body, they’re there to help. They are there to create more life. So maybe there’s something that needs to get digested and broken down, so the bacteria will come in, and they’ll do their job. We support the body during these times by getting good rest, and eating good food, and drinking good water, and thinking good thoughts, and really appreciating the body’s ability to do these things, but we support that, and then the bacteria go away because they’re not needed anymore, and we go back to our regular optimal well-being, or hopefully reaching towards that optimal well-being. Similarly, when we have cancer cells in the body—and we make them every day; every day we make a few cancer cells because this is part of what’s happening—sometimes these charges and these ions and these particles/these other minerals and things are the wrong balance, and so we kind of go out of balance, and the environment again, that determines what the shape is of these bions/what shape they will take, and one of the stages is an amoeba-like cancer-shaped cell. So even those can be changed and morphed into something else. This is the general phenomenon of nature: cooperation, not competition. I want to make that very clear: cooperation not competition. Nothing is out to get us. I really want you to let that come in. Take that thought nothing’s out to get us; nothing’s here to attack us—I want you to take that thought; let it dribble down through your face, down through your throat, down into your chest and belly. Really let yourself feel that. Nothing’s here to attack us. Life always wants more life. It’s uplifting. It’s a new way of looking at the way we live on this planet. There’s a lot of power in that. So if there’s any sort of overarching sort of theme as to why the Germ Theory became so normalized, right, and what we believe is true/what we’ve believed is true for lots of years/ hundreds of years, is that we are less than; that we don’t really have any power; that life kind of happens to us and at us; and it’s coming at us; and we have to put on/we have to battle. There’s the battle against cancer. There’s the battle against…we have anti- this and anti- that, anti-inflammatories, antibiotics, anti- right? So we’re kind of squishing our life down. What if, because it’s never been proven, that’s not true? Now what? Oh that’s what’s hard is this shift from oh, I’ve got/I need help to help myself heal. I need a medicine. I need a shot. I need a thing. I need something out there to help me heal. Well, what if you have the power to do it yourself by, and I know it sounds simple, but this is what it’s based on. What’s my internal environment? Is it tight and dark and constricted and pointy and blah? Or, is it light and fluffy and easy and soft and loving? That’s what you get to do. So it is ultimately our ability to recognize this is about our responsibility to take care of ourselves, and to help others to see that that’s what life wants. Life wants more life. There’s nothing out to get us. We have everything we need when we give ourselves those ideas that cooperation is the nature of life; that we are interconnected; we are interdependent. I need these bions; they need me; they need a place to create more life and we are giving them the opportunity. It gives me a feeling of I’m in charge yeah. And the words “in charge” even kind of go along with this, too, because when we’re thinking about charges, right? there’s charges, there’s electricity, there’s a plus and a minus; things come together; things move apart because of the charges. And they bind together with proteins, and they make different shapes, and they make whole cells. This is the beginning of it all, are these charges. So taking charge—standing on the ground with bare feet; drinking good water and eating food that’s alive. If you take something fresh off the plant, the bions are going to be fully thriving and doing all the right things for that fruit or that vegetable. Those are coming in; they’re fully charged; we receive all of that charge too. So “taking charge” means you’re increasing the possibility for there to be more life in your body. This is the nature of nature: cooperation not competition. OK. What else did I want to say about this? OK, so besides… oh here’s the bions again. These are just fascinating little critters! They are basically/they’re the creators of life on earth and possibly the entire universe. Not only do they form what we call bacteria and yeast and fungus and mold and cancer and amoebas, and all of that, they also form tissue—cells and tissues in our body. They form things that look like flowers that’s based on the crystals that are involved. They make things that look like mushrooms. They can also look like dumbbells—the shape of dumbbells. They can also resemble muscle fibers. So basically lots of different possibilities here. Here’s a little tying up statement from Bechamp. He called the Germ Theory, which is what Pasteur—by plagiarizing and falsifying data—came up with. The Germ Theory, he said (Bechamp) called it “the greatest scientific silliness of the age.” I love that. So if we want to think about germs as the beginners of life, yes. If we want to think about them as attacking us, no. They are not doing that. Life doesn’t do that. That’s not what anybody has found. We cannot make other people sick, and it’s a beautiful thing. And I think it’s a really important thing to know, especially now, because we are going to be around people, that if they’re “sick”, just support the body—give it fresh clean water; don’t suppress the symptoms. Don’t suppress the symptoms. The symptoms are healing processes that allow us to get whatever it was that the environment/to get the environment back to healthy. Having good thoughts. I know these sound really simple. But standing on the ground barefoot. All of these things are very helpful to allow the bions to know this is a safe place. This is where life can be created. All of that is possible. And keeping yourself clean. We don’t want to keep the body dirty. We wanna have a clean body. And this doesn’t have to be hyper-clean. We’re not trying to clean off the germs. We’re just trying to, let’s say, remove some of the, let’s say, the debris leftover from the life process, because at the end of life, of course, there’s decay, and there’s some things that we would like to release. And so you know the cells come off in the water and so forth, if we take a shower.


OK what else do I want to say? OK yeah. So OK yeah. So I think the/sort of the bottom line is bions, which have been found by many different researchers, including my friend Dr. Jody Rosenblatt most recently. She calls them piezosomes, and they’ve been called other names. I like to call them bions. They start out amorphous; they turn into crystalline; they can form all kinds of things. And this is what happens in our bodies. All living things have them, and they live on after we die. So even after our body dies away, the bions live on, and they cannot be destroyed by high heat. So pasteurization—that’s what I was going to say—pasteurization, we call that from Louis Pasteur. Pasteurization, the process is where we heat things and try to kill the bacteria. Well bions don’t die in that heat. Wilhelm Reich proved that, so so much for pasteurization. So if you can get raw milk, raw butter, raw cheese, those kinds of things are going to have these life-giving bions in them. When we pasteurize, we kill all of that. We destroy the enzymes and things. We don’t kill the bions, but we destroy the enzymes that help us to digest the proteins that are there, so it’s very important to keep things alive if you can. That’s why I think sauerkraut and fermented foods are helping people to thrive because they have life in them.


Q1: OK I’m going to look at—thank you all for listening—I’m going to look at the chat because I see somebody is very writing a lot here. “How does touch and intention influence the bions?” Yeah, so yeah, anytime we have a massage, the piezoelectric effect, yeah. We get the squeeze, we will get charge, so as we know from Wilhelm Reich, tension creates charge. And then if there’s discharge, then we can have relaxation. So the touch, we’re sending in a signal that says everything’s OK. I’m here with you. And being aware that we’re connected, I feel that that’s sending messages; that’s creating a flow of energy that is, we could say, of a more coherent vibration/more coherent signal, that’s gonna affect the bions for sure, yes.


Q2: And then, getting in the light, and the amount of light that that we can get when we stand in the light, when we have our eyes open or closed—it can even go through the eyelids—sunlight is where we get bions too. So the bions come through the air, through the sunlight, through the ground, through the water, through the sand, you know they’re all around us.


Q3: OK. “I’m enjoying the ecology of what you’re sharing.” Yes. So yes the minerals in the environment, or the milieu, become the bions. That is what influences their shape and their morphology, we would say the change from one shape to another—the pleomorphism—that’s all affected by what minerals we have in us.


Q4: Yeah, “Bions live on. There is immortality!” Yes.


Q5: And then how fear…When we perceive our sickness, our illness, when we perceive that as disease, we perceive it as we’re being attacked. That means we have to fight back. That’s a battle. That doesn’t need to happen. There’s no reason for it, because we’re not being attacked. And so the fear of that can create a certain vibrational frequency inside, and that’s the milieu now that the bions are receiving of fear, so maybe they’re going to grow into something else. Maybe they’re going to turn into these cancer cells. And we know that stress and fear are things that cause what we call illness, right? I’m not denying that you have symptoms. I’m calling it something different. I’m calling it a healing process not a disease process.

Q6: Yes so then you know we have things like diseases that we label as coming from outside of us and they’re infecting us. So let’s just talk about that briefly. When we go to a new place, and we drink the water in a new place, there are bions there from that environment. And we would drink that water, we’re getting those bions, our body is going to go whoa, I don’t recognize this at all. Out it needs to go, so we throw up and we poop, and we get sick, or we get symptoms. Basically, what’s happening is our body is readjusting to a new environment. So just let that go. Let that pass. Keep drinking good water/clean water. You’re going to support your body through that, and then that will pass. So when we hear about things, like cholera and typhoid, and things that are carried by water, it could be very well that they are coming from an environment that is not conducive to life. In other words, maybe there’s pollution in the air, there’s pollution in the water, and so the bions are going to be affected in that way. Yes. Again, never been proven that anything ‘s contagious, so that’s where we want to think about germs as generating life, not killing us. This is important to remember that, OK.


Q7: And then, the interconnectedness, yes. Cooperation, yeah, right. Seeing our place in nature. Exactly. So we are part of nature; we cannot take ourselves away from that, and put a barrier around us—put a bubble around us. We don’t thrive that way. We need this information. It’s coming all the time. The bions are carrying it. The water is carrying it. There’s information in the water vibration, and that vibration needs to come in us. We can’t just be a bubble. And when we put a mask on, or when we put a face guard on, and we’re trying to prevent anything from coming in, it’s going to get in there, sorry. There’s micro-holes, and these (bions) are way, way smaller than any of the part/any of the holes in the mask could… you know, it’s kind of like somebody said it’s like a mosquito and a chain link fence, like trying to prevent mosquitoes with a chain link fence. So that is/it’s just ridiculous that. These particles will totally get in there. And again, they’re not attacking us, so we don’t need to put on a mask anyway. We don’t need to prevent that/prevent them from coming in.


Q8: Yes. “The root of ‘germ’ is seed.” Yes, exactly. So the “germ”, “the creating of life” “germination”.


Let’s look at Germ Theory as like: OK. Maybe there’s a theory here that something’s coming in to attack us, but actually these things are here for us, and with us, and we are all part of the environment together. They found that when you isolated people, and put a bubble around them, they got really sick, so we need these things. Somebody or/you can find that in the gut for example, there are many, many, many species of bacteria, and there are you know trillions and trillions of them—probably like a nine to one ratio of them to us. Well “them” is us, and that’s what I want to remind you. They’re not from without; they’re from within. We’re creating those all the time, so we can always create a new milieu—the new environment—for these particles, these bions, to create more life. And they do different things. So some of them/some of these—what we call bacteria—these different morphs/body shapes of the bions, that as they go through their pleomorphism, they can digest different proteins; they can digest different minerals; they can absorb different things. So there’s lots of different functions that these different morphologies can use. And in the gut for example, we have a lot of a certain kind of bacteria. Maybe we have more of one kind than another, and that can give us the feeling of illness. Again, that’s our body trying to get back to what is life-affirming and life-giving and getting the/changing the environment within so that the bions can thrive optimally. I will do a longer episode about this piece, but I really want to bring this up. I think this is just so, again, enlivening. That’s what we’re talking about here is life wants more life. Life always wants more life. There’s a researcher named Mike Levin. Mike Levin, who is doing a lot of things/very strange things that he’s doing. He’s cutting things and joining things together, so he’s kind of making new lives/new life there. But one of the things that he found was if you change the ions—these charged particles—if you change them, you will take a regular healthy cell, and it will turn into a cancer cell—boom—just instantly like that. Then you change it back, now it goes back to a healthy cell. And we’re talking about within seconds/within moments it happens. So this isn’t something that takes generations to clear up, or days and days to clear up. We can change our cancer cells that are within us. We can change them within moments, depending on the environment—the charged particles that are inside of us.


So here’s a product placement; I don’t own this company; I don’t make any money from doing this. I do want to tell you about it, though. These are/it’s a homeopathic version of minerals—all the minerals that our body needs and uses. They come in a homeopathic form, meaning that what they’re bringing in is just the signature/the frequency of the different minerals. And the reason why that’s good is because it’s basically like our body is going to decide do I need this much or that much. When we take supplements, we’re kind of overloading, and a lot of those supplements are produced by companies that really are not regulated in any kind of way anyway. So, substance. We don’t need the substance. What we need is the energy from that substance—the charge. Right? We’re talking about charges here. So this product is called tissue salts, and the one that I like is to get a combination where it’s all of them—there’s twelve of them together. And you can get them in a little tablet form. So I’ll just show you this as well. I’ll have a link/I’ll link in the description, but tissue cell salts. And you take them a few times a day. They’re very tasty. And they’re these little pills. They’re little tablets, I should say. Not pills. There’s not medicine in them. They’re very tiny little things like this, and they taste sweet. You just dissolve them there. (under tongue). They also make liquid drops that you can add to your water—tasteless. And what they do is they provide the charges. They provide the minerals that we can use to create more life. Again this is what we’re doing—we’re germinating, right? We’re not being attacked. We are creating life. This is what it’s all about. Alright.


One more thing here—what else we seeing. Yes. It says “Thank you. Our bodies are amazing!” Thank you, Kathleen. This is important for us to remember, and especially around this time of year when illnesses/when symptoms come along, and we start feeling kind of under the weather, right? Think of that phrase, right. “Under the weather”. As the weather changes, as our air dries out, as we get more/maybe there’s more rain, and it’s feeling kind of humid, and maybe there’s some mold growing–mold is actually a good thing. I know you’re probably thinking I’m crazy now, but the mold can just can eat up the things that we don’t want, too. So that’s an important thing—we make mold, right? We make yeast; we make fungus in our body. Our biomes do that for us. Anyway, as you’re noticing symptoms, support the body; send it love; send it appreciation; drink your good water; take your tissue salts; eat healthy foods; think good thoughts. Feel into a loving memory—a loving moment when you loved something—turn that around; bring that into yourself; send yourself appreciation; send those bions some appreciation. They are doing awesome things for us. They’re making us. They’re keeping us alive, and they can change like that. (finger snap) So if you feel like Oh, no. I’m not going to be well. I have cancer. I need this thing to attack these cancer cells. No, no, no, no, the cancer cells are there because of the milieu. We need to change the milieu. No more poisoning. Please don’t poison. Cancer doesn’t need poison. Cancer needs life-affirming/life-creating environment, and then they will change. And they can shift like that (finger snap). So we can get rid of our cancer instantly by changing the ions and the charges inside of us. That’s empowering. And that’s what Reich got in trouble for. That’s what Naessens got in trouble for. Anybody who’s out there saying I can help you cure cancer by not poisoning you, the medical society doesn’t want to hear about that. It’s like no, no, no. We know that we can poison you, and kill, you know, we can do all of these things. Maybe you’ll thrive, but you know, mostly people don’t. And so when we change that around, now we’re not buying their products; we’re not buying it. Yeah, it’s not life-affirming, yeah.


OK. I went a little long today, but let’s go ahead and do…and thank you for being here, and thank you for talking and sending me chats. And I just I really do appreciate it. I am so so grateful—so grateful. OK.


So let’s do the Grounding Breath. The Grounding Breath is just a simple meditation that you can do anytime that you like. And I like to do it after/at the end of a session. When I give a session to someone, we do the Grounding Breath because what it does is it allows you to get a sense of where you are in your body, and also it gives you an opportunity to let go of anything you don’t need. So let’s imagine maybe letting go of the thing/the idea that things are attacking us; or that we can give somebody else something and make them sick. None of that’s been proven, ever, like in couple 100 years. They keep trying, and it’s not been proven. So anyway, we can let go of that. We can let go of I have to be careful; I have to be careful; have to cover things up; I have to protect myself. No. no, no, there’s more life coming to me all the time. And I want more life, so don’t need to cover up. And, you know, basic hygiene is all we’re really talking about. So even like sanitary/the sanitizer and stuff, that’s not even that’s not killing anything that is helpful to you—it’s not. And what it does is it creates an environment that the body then needs to adjust to, right, and so maybe you/and they even make more bacteria. We get this all the time. When we give antibiotics to people, we had to get stronger ones and stronger ones, because the body’s like you keep poisoning me. I’m going to keep trying to bring more life. I’m going to make more bacteria and stronger bacteria—things like that. There’s just/there’s a lot of new things that we can believe now. We can feel our true. We can know our true, and we can release all of this old stuff because it’s wrong. It’s just untrue. And even Pasteur, at the end of his life, he is quoted as saying “The germ is nothing. The terrain is everything.” Yeah, even Pasteur, the guy that gave us pasteurization gave us the germ theory. He recanted at the end of his life, so you know if he’s saying it, it’s time to let this go. Alright.


So the Grounding Breath. What you’re going to do—let’s go ahead and try this together, please. Please join in. Thank you for being here. Thank you for joining in. Send yourself some appreciation for doing this—for being here with us. It’s wonderful. So you’re going to just sit here with your feet flat on the floor. Nothing is crossed–that’s helpful. You can just relax your hands on your thighs. And then we’re just going to take a breath in, and imagine that the breath is moving up through the floor into your feet and up to your ankles—just that far; just breathing into the feet. And then on the exhale, releasing anything you no longer need that might be there in the feet. There we go. And then on the next inhale, we’re going to bring the breath up from the ankles to the hip bones, inhaling. And then on the exhale, letting go/releasing anything you no longer need from the legs—from the hips down to the ankles—and out. Then on the next breath in, we’re going to let this breath come into the low belly, the low back, into the pelvis, tailbone, sacrum. And then on the exhale, we’re going to release anything we no longer need from that area. This may take a couple of breaths here, because our pelvic floor is the “first line of defense”. If there’s something that feels frightening to us, our pelvic floor will get constricted, and so as we release there, soften and feel yourself maybe even connect more deeply with the surface you’re resting on/you’re sitting on. Yeah. And then the next breath in, we’re going to bring that up into the torso, into the chest, and the back, the lungs, the heart, the liver, stomach, all the way up to the shoulders—that whole part breathing that in. And then on the exhale, releasing anything from the torso that we no longer need. Yes, just let it go. Then on the next breath in, we’re going to breathe into the arms—all the way out to the fingertips. Breathing in. And then on the exhale, releasing anything from the arms and hands and fingers that you no longer need. And then one more breath. This one comes into the throat, the neck the face, the head, the brain, skull. And then on the exhale, breathing out and releasing anything—letting it go—anything you no longer need from that area. That’s great. So that is the Grounding Breath. Thank you for joining in. And you may give yourself a little pat on the back for doing that together with us today.


This is the way that we can find our self again, and remember, yeah, this is/we’re in this together—me and my body—like we’re a team. We’re not trying to fight each other. And we’ll talk about autoimmunity another time, but that’s another whole thing that isn’t true, because again, our body’s not trying to attack itself. Our body’s trying to heal itself. It’s trying to find ease and comfort, and life, and more life. Life is always seeking more life—that’s the nature of the universe. It’s the nature of us. So, anyway, sending yourself some appreciation for joining in is very good.


And I’ll have links in the description so that you can find this information for yourself and do investigations. I have read a lot of books. I feel like I, if I was at a university, I’d be earning a PhD for sure because I’ve been learning so much. I will also have the Grounding Breath in there as well. So what I’d like to do now is to finish up with a little bit of Heart Coherence, and especially now, because a lot of people are celebrating the holidays, and they’re sharing time with people. I would like to send out some heart coherent energy. I call them “love beams”—got that from Dawson church, my teacher who—one of my teachers—who says when we send out love beams, it’s not only good for the other, it’s good for ourselves too. We’re built/we’re designed to be altruistic. There’s another part of our nature of the of the universe is that we’re designed to give and have it feel good. It feels really good to give, but when we’re in situations with others, and when we can connect with them, this coherent energy will actually allow that to happen more easily. People have found that their relationships are easier when they practice this Heart Coherence, so we’re going to do some sharing of that as well. And then we will do our three bells, and then we’ll see each other next time.


So a little Heart Coherence. Let’s do that together now. We’re going to share it too. So dropping into the heart. You can bring your hand over your heart, if that’s helpful for you. Just connecting to your own beautiful life-generating/vortex-generating heart that’s getting things moving for us— spiraling, yeah. And slowing the breath down a little deeper and a little slower than usual. (a few breaths here) And imagine it breathing. You’re breathing in and out through the heart. And it may help you to have your eyes closed if that’s comfortable for you. (a few breaths here) And then we’re going to bring to mind something that we feel gratitude for, or in, or of, and appreciation. Right now I’m thinking about my bions. (a few breaths) And now I’d like you to imagine that you’re sending some of this heart coherent energy into you—into places where maybe you’ve stored away something unpleasant. Maybe it’s your go to place for storing unpleasant things, or maybe there’s some tightness there, or some old grief, or new grief. Just sending that heart coherent energy to those places inside of you that could use that support today. (a few breaths) Mmm. And then let’s imagine sending this heart coherent energy out into the field—the field that connects everything and all of us, and contains bions, and contains you and me, and everything. It’s all vibrational. We’re contributing to that. We are creating a coherent vibration that can then be resonated with. The more we do this, the more coherence there will be. And now—this is the most challenging part of this–I’d like you to send this coherent energy to someone that you have struggle with. It’s a challenge for you to be around them. Maybe you’ve had a past history. Maybe you don’t see them anymore. Maybe they’re no longer alive, but they were not kind, and unskilled in their behaviors. We’re going to send some to those people. (a few breaths) Beautiful. And, over the next couple of breaths, allow your hand to come to resting, allow your breathing to come back to a natural pace, and let your eyes come to a soft gaze. I truly do appreciate you. Thanks for staying here a little extra long today. This has been a beautiful day and time to share with you. I wish you all such peace and joy and ease and comfort in your sharing time, if you have family that you’re sharing with. If you don’t, find someone to share it with—even at a coffee shop or a bookstore. Or say “Hi”, connect. It’s OK. We’re here together. We’re doing this.I do appreciate you.


So, this has been Move Into Coherence. I’m Pamela Stokes. Take it easy. And we’re gonna do our three bells. I will see you next time. And even though it is New Year’s Eve next Sunday—New Year’s Eve day—I’m still/we’re still going to be here, so I will see you then. Thanks for joining in. And here’s our three bells. See you next time.

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