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Hello, and welcome to Move Into Coherence. Today we’re doing Part Three of our three-part series on water. In this episode we’ll be studying primary water. So let’s get into it.
Primary water is different from what we’re used to hearing about, which is atmospheric water or the water cycle. What we’ve learned is that the water that we have is all the water that there is. It rains down; it goes into the soil; forms lakes and things; and it evaporates; comes down as rain again, and it just cycles like that. But, if at any point pollutants are added, this water can get tainted, and so it gets kind of scary when you think about it that we might be limited to this small amount of fresh water. And we’ve been told, especially in the state of California where I live, that we’re running out, that there’s a drought—there’s always a drought, and we can’t seem to get ourselves ahead of ourselves. But I’m here to tell you that there’s another kind of water that has been known about for a long, long time that has been really kind of pushed away and pushed down, and it’s called primary water. The earth makes it. And it comes from the pressure underneath the crust. In the water vapor the water molecules will combine and form vapor, and then this super-heated water will form; will push up through the cracks that form in the crust—the cracks form because the earth is continually growing, expanding. And these cracks form, and the water can come up through those cracks. A lot of times we find primary water in rocks, and between rocks, and in the fissures of rocks, especially granite. One of the first people that found primary water, especially in California, was Stephan Riess. And he had found some of these primary water wells that could produce on an average 270 gallons a minute. And if, in his estimate, we could have these wells around the state of California or other places around the world, we could be making over 3 trillion gallons of water a day, 365 days a year. We wouldn’t need an aqueduct. We wouldn’t need to be draining rivers. And we could have all the water we needed. And this is pure water, not tainted by any pollutants, because it’s coming from underneath the crust of the earth. This is a problem, because people have not wanted to have these sources of water known about and so a lot of the work that Stephan Riess did was kind of on the sly. He found a place in California where he developed one of these wells and there was plenty of water for the entire community, and the city, the town, was abundant in this water. And he wanted to do more of these wells and create more of these wells and the California water resources establishment were not into it. They didn’t want that to happen. They wanted to have more control over the water, apparently. One of the stories Stephan Riess tells is that he was in, he was invited to go, to Saudi Arabia to look for some of this primary water, and he pointed to the hills and he said Yeah that’s, you know, we can find it up there. But the leader of the country said Well you know, the women they like to go and find the water and that’s their social time and, you know, we couldn’t disrupt their social time. And so he didn’t pursue that, but I think it’s because he wanted to have the control over his population rather than having them have abundant water and have free time. But, anyway, that’s another story. We’ve been learning about primary water in the sense of there are hot springs and other springs that flow. And you can see—I lived in Washington State for a long time—and you can see water kind of just dripping out of the hills there. And we get waterfalls and cascades all over the state, so this is this primary water. It’s not part of the water cycle that we’re used to. It keeps getting created. In old castles where they dug the wells into solid rock, they’re still producing water in Europe. And there are lands in the Sahara that have springs, and these have been flowing for millennia, so it’s obviously and clearly not part of this atmospheric water cycle. You can find more information at the website, and the person that is running that is called Pal Pauer. So he is still able to find primary water. There’s so many places where he has found this, all over the world. It’s not imaginary. It’s really real. And why am I bringing this up? Well, when I was a child living in California, we were taught that you know there’s not enough water. There’s not very much water, so we have to be very conservative with it. We have to be very careful about it. Wnd there is a constant worry and constant lack, and this lack helps us to feel less than. We are not in charge. And to me that’s really important, because if we have the ability to find this primary water and supply us with ample water—there’s an abundance of water, and it keeps getting created, daily; there is no lack—and this would be a really good thing for our nervous systems. This would be really good for us to know and to be able to relax into the knowing that there’s plenty of water for all of us all over the world. Thanks for listening to that.
What we’re going to do today is to help us to feel more grounded in our bodies with this new information, and to be able to relax a little bit about the water situation. Nothing to worry about if we can actually search for, find, and use this primary water. Today’s motion we’re going to be doing Finding your Feet. It’s very simple, and it will require that you come to standing. Come to standing and just feel your feet on the floor; feel your toes; the balls of your feet; your arches; and your heels; and just notice how much of your feet are on the floor. And you can also feel the floor against your feet. And now we’ll do the motion.
So just begin by stomping your feet on the floor—just stomping in place. Stomp stomp stomp And then we’ll turn the feet a little bit so that we’re on the insides of the feet, more towards the arches, and we’ll do some more stomping there. So stomp stomp stomp stomp stomp. And then we’ll turn the feet to the outsides of the feet, sort of on the sides, and again we’ll do some more stomping. So stomp stomp stomp stomp. And then we’ll move ourselves back onto the flats of our feet and move forward a few steps stomp stomp stomp stomp stomp stomp stomp and then we’ll move backwards a few steps stop stop stop stop stop and then pause, and take a note of what you’re noticing in your feet now. Maybe you feel a little bit more of your toes maybe you feel a little bit more of your the balls of your feet, or your arches, or your heels. You’re creating sensations by doing these stomping motions and on the different parts of the feet. And maybe you feel that now just noticing this really helps us to feel grounded, connected, part of the earth.
Thanks for joining in, and send yourself some appreciation for doing so. And remember to listen back to the first two parts of this three-part series so that you have all the information about water and how it affects our bodies and our minds. And I invite you to do your own research and to look at this website and to investigate. And if there are any people out there who are connected to water resources management in your state or county, you could bring this information to them. Share it with them. Perhaps, if enough voices come together, we can make a big change. And begin searching for, finding, and using this abundant source of pure, clean water—primary water.
And if you’ve enjoyed this episode or any of the previous sixty episodes, please invite your friends and family to join in. It is the time in the evolution of our species for us to find our natural state of inner peace and to remember that we are magnificent beings with the power to be our greatest selves. This isn’t just for us as individuals, but for the whole human species. This cannot help but spill over into the entire Field. One could call it the Evolution Revolution. Thanks for being here on Planet Earth at this time. We appreciate you. This has been Move Into Coherence. I’m Pamela Stokes. Take it easy!