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Hello! And welcome to Move Into Coherence. I’m your host, Pamela Stokes. We’re going to start a three-part series on water. In today’s episode we’ll be looking at how sound affects water and specifically the water in our bodies. So let’s get into it.

Did you know 99% of the molecules in our bodies are water molecules? That means about 70 to 80% of the volume of our body is water. When we look at specific structures in the body, like the fascia, 90% of that is water, and even bone is about 20 to 30% water; and the majority of our blood and lymph fluid is water as well. Every time we breathe out we breathe out water. Our nasal passages are moist, and as we breathe in through the nose, the air gets moistened. When we breathe in through our mouth, the air is not moistened as it would be as we breathe through the nose. And you can learn more about this from my Nose Breathing episode, Episode 11. If we breathe through the mouth, we send a signal which says to our nervous system we’re not safe. The water in the air that we’re breathing is important, so breathing through the nose is ideal. The water in our body contains small electrical charges which help to arrange our proteins and even our DNA. And sound can affect not only the arrangement of the molecules in the body, but also their movement. We can feel our body vibrate when we make sound. Vibrations create movement, and we’ve defined life as movement, so movement is life. There were studies done by a researcher named Dr. Masaru Emoto, who found that when music like classical music was played for water, when the water began to freeze, it formed beautiful patterns in the crystals. And he also instructed his participants in his study to send the emotion of love or peace to the water, and beautiful symmetrical crystals formed. When they sent anger and hate, the crystals were deformed and very ugly. So you can imagine then what our thoughts and our emotions are doing to the water inside of our bodies, all day long. In fact, it is said by some psychologists that for every one negative thought we have, we could benefit by intentionally having three positive thoughts to balance out the effects. We call these more positive emotions or positive thoughts, regenerative emotions. When we practice heart coherence, we speak of regenerative emotions, and Dr. Joe Dispenza speaks of elevated emotions. Examples of these are gratitude, appreciation, joy, and love. When we practice Heart Coherence—and we did this in Episodes 6, 24, 34, and 54—we are using these regenerative emotions of gratitude and appreciation.

There’s another researcher, named John Stewart Reid, who has studied the visualization of sound in liquid water. It’s called cymatics. John Stewart Reid developed a device called a Cymascope in which he was able to take sounds—tones, words, music—and affect the water in his Cymascope so that different patterns would arise, and he noticed different words and tones would create very intricate geometric patterns in the water. He was part of a the project called the One Field experiments, in which many people around the world got together to have a group meditation. And when he was looking at the sounds of the words in that meditation—in those meditations, because it’s been done more than once—very complex patterns were created when the speech or when the words were more coherent—in other words, when the whole group was really into it and really involved in it, by the end of the meditation. So, bottom line, we can say our words and our thoughts affect the water in our body and also affect other people, because this is all going out into the field—the field of electromagnetic energy that is all around us, through us, in us, and because of us. Naturally then, these words and thoughts will affect us in our bodies.

Different parts of our body will vibrate with different frequencies. When we use low frequencies, or a low note on a musical scale, the lower part of our body will vibrate, from our feet and legs to the low belly. Let’s try a low note and sense inward, see if you can feel that. Ohhhhhhh. See if you can feel it in your low belly, feet, and legs. Ohhhhhhh. Let’s try the middle note now, with the vowel ahhhhhhhh, and see if we can feel it from our naval to our throat and include the arms and hands. Ahhhhhhh. And just notice if you can feel any sensations in that area. And now the high frequencies, or the high notes, will vibrate the upper parts of our bodies—our face, our head, and even our brain and the membranes around it. We’ll use the vowel sound of eeeeeee and let’s try a high note, kind of like a mosquito buzzing in your ear. And we’re going to sense inward now and see if we can feel the upper parts of our body vibrate. Let’s try it together. Eeeeeeee. It does make you smile when you say eeee like that. The outsides of your mouth will go up. Eeeeeee.

So in today’s motion I’d like to have us try something unique with these tones so that we can get our whole body vibrating, which then means that we’re moving our molecules—and again, remember 99% of them are water—and we’re going to be creating a feeling or a sense of our being alive, because we’ll feel that movement. We’re going to use the words I am, and these words have some meanings. One important one is I exist.  I am. Another is that I am present in this moment, right here, right now. I am. And a third meaning is that I feel that I am an integral part of it all—a vital piece of the whole. I belong. I am. So these two very powerful words also carry a regenerative or elevated emotion. So what we’re going to do is we’re going to be making a sound for the word I in two bits:  “ahhh” and “eee” so kind of, aaaaahhh-eeeee. And the “ahhh” will start in the upper belly or the mid-range of our voice, and we’ll slide up to a high note for the “eee”, with our smile, which moves up through us from our upper belly to our head and brain. And then we’ll make the am in three bits: “ah”, “uh”,  and “mmm”,  and we’ll start at the chest or the heart area in the mid-range of our voice or speaking range with an “aaa” like in cat. aaaaaaa. And then we’ll slide down the notes, slide down the scale, to “uh” like in the word nut, and then we’ll land on a low note for the “mmm” in the low belly, pelvis and legs. So it’ll be aaaaaaa-uhhhh-mmmm, like that, and we’ll repeat the I am three times. Let’s try it, and sense inward to feel the vibrations, if you’re able. It can be pretty subtle, so after today’s episode, try it again, and try it again from time to time, and check in with your body. Maybe you won’t sense it, but it is happening. You’re going to be vibrating. So let’s begin with the three I am’s remembering what this means—I am here, I exist, and I am a vital piece of the whole. I belong. OK. Here we go. Thanks for joining in.

I am. I am. I am. Perhaps you noticed the vibrations—the movement of your water molecules. We’re using these vibrations and the positive emotion to make beautiful patterns inside of our bodies. We’re moving these electrical charges around. One could say we’re “taking charge” of ourselves—”being in charge”. Thank you for joining in, and send yourself some appreciation for doing so. If you’ve enjoyed this episode or any of the previous sixty episodes, please invite your friends and family to join in. It is the time in the evolution of our species for us to find our natural state of inner peace and to remember that we are magnificent beings with the power to be our greatest selves. This isn’t just for us as individuals, but for the whole human species. And this cannot help but spill over into the entire field one could call it the Evolution Revolution. Thanks for being here on Planet Earth at this time. We appreciate you. This has been Move Into Coherence. I’m Pamela Stokes. Take it easy!

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