Summary: In this 10-minute Receiving Hands meditation, use a hand gesture which signals the neurological reflex of “I can ask for what I need and receive it.”
Two versions: one is vocal only and the other includes music created by Pamela. Enjoy!
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In this meditation, we’ll be making a gesture with our hands. It is called Receiving Hands because it stimulates an innate reflex which helps us to feel and register in our nervous system that our natural human needs are met—our natural human needs of safety, satisfaction, and connection. This gesture lets us know we can ask for what we need and receive it.
Begin by sitting comfortably with your feet flat on the floor and your feet and knees in line with your shoulders. With your arms and hands resting on your lap, palms up, we’ll close our hands to form soft fists in a particular way. Bend your fingers one-by-one to close each hand by dropping each fingertip onto the palm, starting with the pinky, then the ring, then middle, and index. And rest your thumb quietly on the index finger so you form a soft fist. And now breathe— nice long slow exhale. And now release your hands. And close your eyes and then open them to a soft gaze. Allow your eyes to wander where they’d like to go, and then your head follows where your eyes lead. Your eyes wander to another place and your head follows. And once more, your soft eyes lead and your head follows. And as you do Receiving Hands once again—pinky, ring, middle, index—you can say out loud or in your mind:
“Feeling safe in this moment.” “It’s safe to feel safe.” “Receiving my natural human need for safety now.” “Receiving safety in this moment.”
And take a nice breath, in through the nose, and slow exhale, and release your hands. Feel yourself making contact with the seat you’re sitting on. Perhaps you feel yourself softening and dropping into the seat. Do the gesture again—pinky, ring, middle, index—receiving safety now. Noticing any changes in your body sensations. Release your hands and breathe through your nose and deep into your lungs: inhale and exhale.
And now let’s repeat Receiving Hands—pinky, ring, middle, index—to form soft fists. Take a nice breath here, breathing in through the nose and deep into the lungs, and exhale, and release your hands. Allow yourself to acknowledge that your heart is beating for you; your lungs are breathing for you; and the 50 trillion cells in your body are performing 1 million chemical reactions per second for you, all without asking or needing to do anything. There’s nothing we have to do. It’s all happening for us. When we appreciate and feel gratitude, we allow the possibility of meeting another natural human need—satisfaction. Let’s repeat the Receiving Hands gesture—pinky, ring, middle, index—to form soft fists. And say the following out loud or in your mind:
“Receiving this now.” “Receiving satisfaction.” “My natural need for satisfaction is being met.” “Receiving satisfaction.”
And release your hands and breathe through the nose deep into the lungs: inhale and exhale. Notice what it feels like in your body to know you feel satisfaction, without doing anything or receiving anything from outside of yourself.
And now, once again, repeat the Receiving Hands gesture—pinky, ring, middle, index—to form soft fists. And breathe into your nose deep into your lungs and exhale. And release your hands. And now bring back the feeling of safety from the first part of this meditation, and notice how that feels in your body. Calm alertness, peaceful awareness, soft power. Notice your contact with the seat. Noticed your feet on the floor and the floor against your feet. Perhaps you feel warmth, expansion, openness, or something else. And repeat the Receiving Hands gesture—pinky, ring, middle, index—and now say out loud or in your mind:
“Feeling connected to myself and how I feel.” Receiving that connection now.” “My natural need for connection is being met.” “Receiving connection.”
And release your hands and breathe through the nose deep into the lungs—inhale and exhale.
And now we’ll combine all three. Repeat the Receiving Hands gesture once again—pinky, ring, middle, index—and say out loud or in your mind:
“Receiving safety now. “Receiving satisfaction.” “Receiving connection.” “I can ask for what I need and receive it.” “All my natural human needs are being met.” “I trust that.” “I receive that.” “All my needs are met.” “Receiving that now.” “Safety, satisfaction, and connection.” “Receiving.”
Release your hands and just breathe naturally. Wiggle your toes, wiggle your fingers. Softly gaze around the room you are in and remember this feeling. This feeling of knowing that all of your natural human needs are met—safety, satisfaction, connection. And our subconscious mind says “yes” to that.
Thank you.